Roses (Drama), D.: Coral Knights, 15:29 Min. Rosa unexpectedly finds herself spending an evening out alone as her daughter throws an 18th birthday party in their house. Wasting time in her small Cornish town, she spies a woman she has met once before – and is drawn to her. |
Love Is Free (Drama), D.: Hannah Renton, 14:30 Min. A triptych telling the story of one woman’s relationship with love and how it has been shaped by her relationship with her eccentric father. |
Fierce-ish Grace (Comedy), D.: Amaya Owen Rowlands, 05:35 Min. As Grace prepares to confront her boss, she'll finally unleash a version of herself only her bathroom mirror has seen. |
Spectre of the Bear (Animation), D.: Josh Hicks, 10:54 Min. One man's obsession with crisps becomes unhealthy - and not because he's eating them. Tom's quest for the truth takes him on a journey into the unknown in this animated comedy about nostalgia, corporate conspiracy and bear-shaped snacks. |
Delivery (Drama), D.: Ben Lankester, 25:00 Min. Mary is a newly-qualified midwife in an underfunded NHS hospital and has to attend two complicated births during a highly stressful shift. |
Seven Sisters (Drama), D.: Isabella Culver, 14:11 Min. This story follows Juliet on a journey of self-healing after a traumatic event that takes her on a voyage to the darkest parts of the psyche. |
Ignore The Noise (Comedy), D.: Kyle Jon Shephard, 06:50 Min. Gary, a struggling actor, faces an unexpectedly challenging audition for the seemingly simple role of Sleeping Man #2. |