Pink (Drama), D.: Yassa Khan, 22:09 Min. The true story of a son outed by his bank robbing father in very unexpected circumstances. |
Packing Away (Drama), D.: Mykea Fairweather Perry, 16:30 Min. Nicholas and Jason face emotional turmoil as they sort through their deceased mother's belongings. |
Floaters (Animation), D.: Mocong Yuan, 05:54 Min. A woman’s life has been turned upside down ever since she noticed those strange floating strings in her sight. |
Sidewalk Shuffle (Comedy), D.: Max Bach, 02:14 Min. An awkward encounter on the sidewalk between two strangers turns into a shuffle … a Sidewalk Shuffle. |
Teddy Picker (Drama), D.: Alfie Stewart, 07:04 Min. A father desperately tries to win a gift for his daughter at a Teddy Picker machine, whilst some drama in his life unfolds via a series of intense phone calls. |
Calico (Comedy, Coming of Age), D.: Jake Mavity, 14:59 Min. Lorrie is bullied at school because of her severe vitiligo and steals the school's talking goldfish (Jamali Maddix). |
Alice (Drama), D.: JAKE ALDEN FALCONER, 14:59 Min. A mother sells a story to the press about her celebrity daughter. But after her daughter dies of an overdose, she is forced to wrestle with her own role in the tragedy. |
No Strings (Drama), D.: Molly Lipson, 09:57 Min. Milly has been drafted in last minute to give a live TV interview on behalf of the climate movement she's part of. When it dawns on her why she was chosen, she doubts her group's motives. |
The Real Thing (Dark Comedy), D.: Charlie Fink, 14:35 Min. A lonely guy faces a race against time to rid his flat of a dark secret following a surprisingly successful date. |