Animation / Drama / Comedy / Coming of Age
Scale (Animation, Drama), D.: Joseph Pierce, 15:00 Min. As his crippling drug addiction deepens, Will (Sam Spruell, “Doctor Who“) struggles to unpick the sequence of events that led to his predicament. |
Bus Girl (Drama), D.: Jessica Henwick, 12 Min. An aspiring young female chef navigates the cut-throat world of high-end cooking. |
Jackson (Drama), D.: Emma Miranda Moore, 17 Min. Teenager Amira avoids a haunted house visit using her unique imagination. |
Three (Drama), D.: Amelia Sears, 15 Min. A weekend away at the seaside is Ellie’s first family holiday since she and Nick had Harry. But holidays are not like they used to be. |
Stockholm Syndrome (Comedy), D.: Ben Marshall, 3 Min. A seemingly innocent phone call between a young woman and her Swedish mother slowly reveals chilling secrets. |
Boys (Drama, Coming of Age), D.: ashley walters, 23:35 Min. In East London, two best friends embark on a risky mission and a journey into manhood. Starring Theo Barklem-Biggs (“Sliced“). |
Sticks of Fury (Comedy), D.: Yuan Hu, 7 Min. Tobz develops an unhealthy ambition during an unexpected gaming marathon. |